Video: Gronk Hung Up On Roger Goodell When He Was Named To The NFL 100 Team

When Roger Goodell called Rob Gronkowski to let him know that he is a member of the NFL 100 team, Gronk saw a New York number he didn’t recognize so didn’t recognize, so he didn’t answer the phone.

When Goodell tried again Gronk decided to pick it up, to screw with whoever was on the other end. According to Gronk,

“So then it calls back again, and I’m like sure, I’ll answer it, whatever,” Gronk said. “I’m gonna mess around, let me mess around with this phone call though.”
Gronk answered the phone in a squeeky high-pitched voice, and when Roger Goodell said it was him, Gronk continued playing around and hung up on him.

“I was like, ‘Man, this is why I don’t answer. People pranking me,” Gronk said. “It ended up being him. I called the office back that he told me to call and I called him back and talked to him, and he didn’t bring up anything about that phone call.
“When I see him, I can’t wait to bring it up.”

Perhaps Roger thought Gronk was still pissed about the way he tried to railroad the Patriots a few years back.