Patriots Fans Rank 2nd Overall In Spending On Alcohol At Games

In a recent survey, New England Patriots fans were ranked second in spending on alcohol during games. That is probably because they don’t include the beers drank in the parking lot.

FinanceBuzz asked over 1,500 NFL fans from all 32 teams how much they spend on merchandise, food, and alcohol while they are at the game.

The top 10 NFL fan bases who spend the most on alcoholic beverages are:

New Orleans Saints ($64.81)
New England Patriots ($60.81)
Buffalo Bills ($60. 52)
Houston Texans ($59.23)
Los Angeles Rams ($55)
Seattle Seahawks ($53.21)
Las Vegas Raiders ($51.48)
Pittsburgh Steelers ($51.32)
San Francisco 49ers ($49.24)
Baltimore Ravens ($47.51)

The average NFL fan spends $41.36 on alcohol when they attend a game.

“New Orleans Saints fans blow by that total, letting the good times roll in the Big Easy and dropping nearly $65 each when they attend a game at the Superdome,” the website wrote. “The Buffalo Bills fans join followers of the Saints and New England Patriots as the only fan bases that average more than $60 spent on in-stadium alcohol.”

The Patriots also ranked fifth in the fans who spent the most on in-stadium food and drink, averaging a spending of $137.18.