A Dallas Cowboys Reporter Created A New Patriots Conspiracy After An Unknown Man Was Seen Watching Today’s Practice

It has been a while since we had a good Patriots conspiracy come our way. It only took a paranoid organization like the Cowboys to come along to create it. An unknown man on top of a building was enough to spark the latest conspiracy. The Cowboys held practice today in preparation of Sunday’s game, and a random man was seen watching from a nearby rooftop, and now Cowboys fans are claiming the Patriots sent in spies.

Calvin Watkins of the Dallas Morning News tweeted out this photo of a unknown man watching the Cowboys, and now the Cowboys fans are losing their minds.

It is early in the week and Belichick is already in their heads without making a move. Of all the conspiracy theories, this may be the dumbest one we have heard since they claimed Belichick created fog against Atlanta a few years ago. Fans will go crazy over anything, skipping right past the obvious, anyone with rooftop access in Dallas is obviously going to check out the Cowboys practice. Still , I wouldn’t have it any other way. It is the Patriots advantage to always be in the opponents head.